Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Writing Prompts

I've come to learn that there are very few decent, useful writing prompts out there. My next post will be a few short prompts of what I consider to be "decent quality" and muse-ful.

Whilst stumbling, I came across quite a cute little site: oneword. You click a button - a word appears with a timer, and you have 1 minute to write anything. It's difficult, the pressure is immense! Anyway, check it out for yourself. Here's what I wrote:

I looked above, and there they were. They weren't big, they weren't scary, just... there. The bright light glinting off the broken glass, the cool damp of the morning breeze - it was a perfect scene.

You can also see what other people have written here: http://oneword.com/2008/12/hover/full.html


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